Saturday, 30 April 2011

Muammar Gaddafi's son murdered by Allied bombs

Over the weeks since the start of the Libyan conflict we have heard about the savagery and inhumanity being inflicted by Muammar Gaddafi on his people. During this time allied forces tried to hold the moral higher ground by arguing they were the defenders of democracy.

Last night a bomb killed Gaddafi’s son and with his death the allies lost all credibility as a force for reason. According to reports, Said-al-Arab Gaddafi was not firing on rebel forces, he was not laying siege to towns, he was playing with his family. An innocent student caught up in a conflict that was nothing to do with him other than by the fact his father is leader of a country.

The UN mandate allowed the allies to do everything to preserve human life and defend the citizens of Libya against oppression. How an assassination attempt on Gaddafi can be construed as a legitimate defence of the people remains to be seen.

No father should lose a son or daughter before they die. Already Gaddafi has lost an adopted daughter. In 1988, American missiles killed his adopted daughter. Now, 29-years on and tragically, the age of Said-al-Arab Gaddafi, he has lost hi son as well. The action was cruel, heartless and unnecessary and socialists and those opposed to the attacks by allied forces on Libya should condemn this death vociferously.

Today, my thoughts and prayers as a father myself go to Muammar Gaddafi and his family. May you find peace in your faith and in the knowledge that many people in Europe share your sadness today.

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