Over the weeks, I will discuss some of the latest developments in the world of extremist far-right politics with a particular emphasis on trying to understand its ideology. Most 'anti-fascists' take the analysis that adherents of far-right groups are politically naive, 'mad', or hooliigans. While this might be the case in some instances, I feel this approach is both inaccurate and dangerous. it leads to a broad whitewash of their extremist views - views that have been held for many years by a disturbingly large sector of society. indeed, one only has to look at the popularity of inter-war fascism (IFL, BUF etc) and modern day support for the NF in the 1980s, the BNP in the 1990s and the Radical and alt-right today.
If we are to maintain our democratic system it is essential we break down and understand those who would destroy it.
I hope you enjoy my musings and feel free to respond