Friday, 18 March 2011

Westminster massages housing figures; unemployed go to the bottom of list

Westminster City Council has found new ways of reducing the numbers of people in Westminster it is required to house and has announced changes to its Housing Allocation policy. These are just a few:

1. People who are unemployed will be put to the bottom of the housing lists – this includes families.

2. The local connection rule will now include those who work in Westminster.

3. The Family Quota system will be ended. This is where children of Westminster families would be re-housed locally as they became adults.

4. Families with children will be given priority over families with young adults.

5. Time limits will be imposed on families living in temporary accommodation to accept alternative housing.

Councillor Guthrie McKie, Westminster’s Labour Housing Spokesperson said: “Not only is the Council abandoning hundreds of families in housing need, it is in the process of reshaping our communities. They have failed to deal with poverty and deprivation, so they will just ship in people on middle incomes to take up housing in the City. The centre of London will become like Paris and New York where ghettos are created for the poor.

“It is no coincidence that these measures come in as the Council is putting more funding into ‘intermediate’ housing via Westminster Community Homes, the unaccountable charity set up by the Council. This higher rented housing will be out of the reach of most people in housing need.”

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