Friday, 11 February 2011

No tears for Eric Illsley

This morning Eric Illsley is waking up in a small cell, where he will languish for the next few months. Now, I like to think myself as a caring person, so I am really trying hard to feel sorry for him. Unfortunately, I am failing dismally.

Let’s look at some of the facts – he first entered parliament in 1987, but his political career was never that much to write home to granny about. Sure, he sat on the front bench for a short time, but he was soon consigned to the back benches when Labour came to power.

As for his voting record? Well, he grumbled a bit about Iraq, but at the end of the day went along with the Blair government. On identity cards, he voted in favour. He supported the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill when it came before the house. On asylum seekers, he voted for stricter controls and he voted against laws to stop climate change.

Yup, this sounds like a real good socialist here. I can see he will be sadly missed in the party. (Do you detect a hint of cynicism?).

Even when he comes out of nick he won’t fair too badly. I mean, let’s face it he’s been on quite a nice little number for the last 23 years. The pays pretty good and he clearly thought the expenses were decent. On discharge he’ll probably right a book or two about his experiences – Jeffrey Archer seemed to do quite well out of that little activity. Then there’ll be the occasional TV appearance.

No, I won’t shed too many tears for Mr Illsley – I think he’ll cope quite nicely, thank you very much.

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