Friday, 21 January 2011

Order! Order!

The latest row amongst Tory Ministers wanting to oust John Bercow from his position as Speaker is reminiscent of kids playing in a schoolyard. It comes as no surprise.

Bercow has consistently shown that whilst he originally entered parliament as a Conservative, he was not going to be tied to a party label once he became Speaker.

Never a person to shy away from controversy, he upset many traditionalists when he shunned the usual garb and favoured a normal lounge suit. Bercow managed to upset Tory benches further by refusing to ‘reign-in’ his wife, Sally when she decided to stand as a Labour candidate in local elections last year. Add to this his more recent pronouncements against fox-hunting and you have a number of Tories baying for his blood.

Some in the Labour benches are equally unhappy about Bercow because of his sustained support for IPSA. Ironically, a few others on the opposition side have also murmured some discontent because they see him favouring the government, at their expense.

Both are failing to recognise a fundamental issue. The role of Speaker ensures the smooth running of parliament and that all sides are allowed equal access to the floor of the House . Above all it is (and always has been) the role of Speaker to ensure the Commons handles itself within the law and in a manner that does not bring parliament into a position where the public lose comfort in their elected representatives. After the shenanigans of the recent expenses fiasco, this has been no easy task.

Far from demonstrating a partisan attitude, Bercow has shown himself to be an exemplary Speaker. His modern attitudes have shocked many within and outside parliament (including this writer), but it is clear he has always acted in a manner that has demonstrated he holds the role in the highest of regard and for this he should be commended.

It is time for his opponents to put away their grievances and accept the authority of the Speaker. This is neither the time nor place for parliamentarians to act like little schoolchildren going off in a huff because one of the kids won’t play the game according to their rules.

The message from this blog to those elected representatives fussing around the corridors of power trying to oust Bercow is simple – grow up and get on with it. Part of the price of being an adult is that sometimes rules don’t go your way, either live with it or get out of the job. The electorate deserve better than your childish tantrums.

As for Mr Bercow? He has brought much need wit and wisdom to the job. If the kids grumbling at the back of the playground manage to have their way, he would be a tragic loss. For the sake of democracy, reason and the sanctity of the role of Speaker, let us hope they fail dismally.

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