Wednesday, 26 January 2011

GDP and the White Christmas .. or just a whitewash?

The drop in GDP growth was largely due to snow according to Osborne. Huh?

So when we next get results from ONS is he going to tell us the decline was due to the moon not being in alignment with Taurus? Or perhaps we are moving closer to double dip recession because last week David Cameron walked under a ladder just as a black cat crossed his path?

When he took office, Osborne made it quite clear he had a Plan A (although he admitted there was no plan B). Is he now saying the plan didn’t cover certain eventualities? In my language that isn’t a plan – it’s a hodge-podge of ideas cobbled together on the back of a fag packet and made to look like a plan.

The consequence of this ‘plan’ is that, according to the Governor of the Bank of England, workers will now have to tighten their belts and hold back on pay claims. Silly question – does that include bankers?

So we can look forward to inflation at 5%, unemployment hitting 3m, substantially reduced services, higher costs for those wanting to go to university, steeper food and fuel prices, more people facing homelessness and more people being forced to go bankrupt.

Oh yes, life is much better under the Conservatives!

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