With the recent split in Patriotic Alternative we have seen the rise in a new political party, the Homeland Party. This rather nauseous group of anti-refugee nationalists pretends to be in support of the democratic parliamentary process. However, a little digging quickly reveals the extent of its fascist pedigree.
Let's take a look at some of its key values:
1. They say they believe the most important unit in society is the traditional family and that society should be geared towards the promotion of traditional values and creating a safe place to raise children.
2. They support the ideal of a monocultural, high trust community (ie anti-immigration) where people help their neighbours.
3. They believe in the principle of a nation-state that truly represents the interests of the English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish people - so no place for ethnic minorities or multiculturalism
4. They also believe the countryside should be managed and protected by those who best understand the land and have put down roots. A concept that could have easily been taken from Mosley's British Union of Fascists playbook.
5. The Homeland Party also argue that the economy and private industry should be run for the benefit of our people, not multinational corporations or international finance. As part of this they believe we should become less reliant on foreign imports and more self-sufficient, to maintain a sustainable domestic market of local produce and meaningful work. Quite clearly this is only a very short step away from the notion of the Corporate State as defined by Gentile and in this country by Alexander Raven Thompson.
It is transparently obvious from this analysis that the Homeland Party is nothing more than another fascist party dedicated to the elimination of our hard-earned Liberal democracy.
This is a party that carries traditional racist and antisemitic values close to its heart. David Gardner, a senior activist in the Homeland Party, writing on the Telegram social media site stated:
"If the jew doesnt do it with their holocaust myth to protect them, then no one else really does. If we removed the jewish people in those power positions, there is no route for this evil power to seep in White people”
You don't get much clearer.
Homeland may not be a sizable force but their presence is a clear indicator that fascism has not gone away, it has simply sanitised its propaganda to make it look more attractive.
As always, the price of peace is eternal vigilance.
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