Sunday, 24 March 2013

Cameron's foolishness and Clegg's U-turn

Writing in the Sun newspaper today, Prime Minister Cameron said Migrants will lose benefits after six months, unless they "have a genuine chance of finding work". According to reports, he will say the measures are to ensure that "everyone who comes here pays their way and gives something back".

No doubt his pronouncements will be welcomed by those on the far right and by many in the Tory party. It may even bring a smile to Cameron’s tame puppy, Nick Clegg. However, Cameron has failed, or refused to consider what consequences will emerge from this action.

Clearly, there are only three possible results – a small number will find appropriate employment, though in the current economic climate this will not be easy, others who have chosen to come to this country to start a new life will find themselves without any financial support and in dire need.

The remainder will be forced to accept work with unscrupulous employers, often working in substandard conditions for long hours at rates of pay that are so low they almost defy imagination.

This last option is the most frightening because it will be a very real option for many new arrivals. Tragically, Clegg and cronies will almost certainly stand by Cameron when these changes come before parliament. Already Clegg has demanded a £1000 deposit for some immigrants (a proposal fully supported by Vince Cable). Admittedly he did also outline plans to increase cash penalties for "unscrupulous" employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants because they are cheaper. The maximum fine is £10,000 per illegal worker and Mr Clegg called for a doubling of penalties. But will this ever become reality? Unlikely. The Tories are by tradition the party of the rich and wealthy, the party of the self-employed – even if that employer is abusing his workers.

In 2010, It is a perfect U-turn - Clegg said in the Liberal Democrat manifesto: “We will allow people who have been in Britain without the correct papers for ten years, but speak English, have a clean record and want to live here long-term to earn their citizenship”. Now he has decided that policy is unworkable and should never have seen the light of day – what changed? Oh yes … I remember now … he joined the Tories and became their lapdog.

Undoubtedly our immigration system is in chaos. The Border Agency seem unable, or incapable of preventing illegal immigrants enter this country; there is a bubbling anger at the number of new arrivals entering this country. And the right-wing feed on this by suggesting these immigrants are taking our jobs. They lie. The statistics tell us that immigrants old and new are having no effect on unemployment levels and are having no effect on the number of jobs available.

What is needed is a reasoned and reasonable discussion about immigration that can consider the needs of potential arrivals, as well as the needs of this country. We are by nature a welcoming country, a people that can work and live alongside other cultures with ease and in peace. Cameron’s and Clegg’s pronouncements do little to add to the debate and do much to harm and destabilise our relationship with immigrants old and new to this country.

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