Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Time to teach the Tories a lesson

It will come as no surprise to regular readers of this blog that today I am urging you all to vote for your local Labour candidate. Don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting they, or the Labour party as a whole have all the answers. Indeed they have a lot to answer for given our current economic situation. But voting Labour offers the best opportunity to give the Tories and their Lib Dem puppies a bloody nose.

In hundreds of wards throughout the country Labour are facing opposition from Tory, Lib Dem and Independent candidates. With The Tories and Lib Dems we all know where we stand – more cuts and the closure of many of our treasured frontline services. I may not like or agree with them, but at least they are honest(ish) about their intentions.

This isn’t the case with many Independent candidates, many of whom are little more than Tory apologists who didn’t have the guts to stand under a Conservative banner. They will try to tell you local government should not be about party politics.


It has everything to do with party politics – from the development (or lack of it) of suitable social housing, through to maintenance of our road and leisure facilities – all these issues easily split along party lines.

Moreover, the Independents and Tories will tell you that Labour is the party of tax and spend. That argument is really becoming quite tiresome and is fundamentally untrue. Noticeably, no-one complains when frontline services were being maintained and jobs were secure. So, let me emphasise once again – our current economic crisis did not happen because of poor fiscal management, it occurred because of an international banking issue. Now, you may condemn Labour, but would you have wanted your bank to fail and loose all your savings or pension?

Given this, the only alternative is to go out today and en masse show the government we will not stand for their cuts, we will not accept the decimation of our services and we will not tolerate the mass redundancies and increased unemployment the Tories want to see.

Use your vote wisely and vote for a clear political force that can bring an end to Tory oppression of the working class.

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