Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Post-Budget Blues

The first day since the 'Emergency' Budget and all I have heard today is a constant stream of Tory hype. If this isn't watered (or maybe not so watered) down Thatcherism, then I don't know what is.

The Chancellor tells us it was a progressive Budget, but the Institute for Fiscal Studies say it was regressive. Cameron wants me to be leave it was tough, but fair - and then I read that VAT is up to 20%, long-term unemployed will have their housing benefit cut to 90% after a year, child benefit is to be frozen for three years, and Sure Start maternity grants will only go to the first child. So please, Mr Osborne, tell me where is the fairness?

Where is the fairness in a budget that taxes the lower paid and adds 2.5% to their cost of living. Explain how it is just to cap housing benefit and if their rent is above the limit, they must lose their home or become homeless. Where is it right that benefits will increase in line with the consumer price index, whilst the unemployed, the sick and the low paid, those in most need can barely afford to feed themselves and their families.

Perhaps I should ask the public sector workers who now face a two-year wage freeze and the risk that three-quarters of a million now face the risk of redundancy? Or perhaps I should go and talk to the pensioners, who once again have been trampled on.

No, I think I will find the answers I need if I talk to the bankers, who will still enjoy their obscene bonuses. perhaps I could talk to the private landlords who overcharge and abuse their tenants and then when they sell their houses, only pay 18% tax

You and your Liberal friends tell me you want a fair and just society. Can you wonder why I find it hard to believe you?

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